Green-by-Green Inspection and Evaluation
We’ll schedule a visit to your facility to determine whether your greens are good candidates for no-till at no obligation to you. By taking multiple samples from all greens and collars we can identify  potential problems including diseases, nematodes, thatch build-up and poor soil profiles (layering). We also focus on surface characteristics including pin placements, drainage, percolation rates and contour breaks, all of which affect playability. This is at no cost to you unless lab tests are required.

Eliminate Existing Variety and Contaminants
Verticut your greens in at least two directions, but prefer-ably in three directions, down to the stolon/rhizome/top-dressing interface, which is usually at about 1/2” to
3/4”. Thoroughly clean up all debris. Next remove sod in collars:six to ten feet out if nematodes are present, two to threefeet if there are no nematodes. If Roundup is used to killvegetation matter, it must be applied before verticutting, orthere will be no leaf area to absorb the chemical. Apply  atleast 2X. Your goal is to end up with a healthy seedbed foryour new TifEagle to thrive in.

Aerify, Topdress and Fumigate
After aerifying your greens and collars with 1/2” to 5/8” tines, remove cores and topdress to fill core holes with clean sand. Cover and fumigate the sprigbed at a rate of 400 to 500 lbs methyl bromide/acre (450 to 550 kgs /hectare) or otherwise treat to eliminate re-maining vegetative plant parts. You can use Roundup, but we recommend fumigation if there is evidence of nematodes, or if genetic purity and uniform color are important to you and your membership.

Quality Growers Deliver Top-Quality Sprigs
TifEagle production fields are inspected three times each year for varietal purity, as well as excessive or problem weeds. And to guarantee freshness, our sprigs are delivered in refrigerated trucks direct to your site. We also mill our sprigs to remove overly large sprigs and clumps so you get a more consistent grow-in. Be sure to distribiute your sprigs on a moist surface, roll in thoroughly, topdress per soil tests and irrigate as you would for a conventional grow-in.

Grow-In Fertility Management
Apply 0.5 lb/1000sq ft (0.25 kgs N/100m2) 2 times per week once active growth starts. Some superintendents have used higher levels of N, but caution should be exercised to prevent unwanted thatch. Use a soluble N source (not slow release) for grow-in. Alternate NH4NO3/NH4SO4 on a weekly basis with a complete analysis fertilizer such as 5-20-20. Maintain a N:P:K ratio of at least 1:1:1 during grow-in. Begin mowing at approximately 0.180 inch (4.5mm) shortly after shoot growth is initiated. Mow frequently, at least 2 to 3 times per week.

Long-Term Fertility Management
TifEagle’s nitrogen needs are less than Tifdwarf due to its increased density. Apply only enough N to maintain a quality putting surface (not color), usually 0.5 to 1.5 lbs/1000(0.25-0.75 kgs./100m2) /growing month. This averages about 1/2 lb.(0.25kgs) of N for every two weeks of active plant growth. Use higher rates of N during periods of active growth and after vertical mowing or aerification. Apply N immediately after vertical mowing or aerification to help turf heal and recover. Use soluble sources. Monitor potassium levels on soil reports and maintain high levels.

TifEagle -The Ultimate Ultradwarf
TifEagle has a number of unique advantages over traditional bermudagrass greens and many of the new ultradwarfs. When maintained at a cutting height of 0.125 inch (3.2mm), TifEagle produces a quality putting surface second to none. It exhibits very aggressive rhizomatous and stoloniferous growth habits, maintains superior color under cool con-ditions and provides an excellent putting surface during the winter season, with or without overseeding. In fact, many superintendents are reporting excellent results with painted TifEagle greens.

•Are Your Greens Good No-Till Candidates?    •No-Till Renovation vs. Conventional Reconstruction      
•Advantages of Certified TifEagle Bermudagrass   •What They're Saying About No-Till    
•Quality Conscious TifEagle Grower/Installers